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Is it OK to use tire chains at normal highway speeds?

Jun 4th 2023

No, it is not safe to use tire chains at normal highway speeds. Tire chains are designed to provide traction in icy and snowy conditions, but they can be dangerous at high speeds. The chains can cause your vehicle to lose control, and they can also damage your tires.

Most tire chain manufacturers recommend a maximum speed of 30 mph when driving with chains. If you are driving in areas with severe snow or ice, you may need to use chains. However, it is important to be aware of the risks and to drive slowly and carefully when using chains.

Here are some of the risks associated with driving with tire chains at high speeds:

  • Loss of control. The chains can cause your vehicle to lose control, especially if you make sudden braking or acceleration.
  • Damage to tires. The chains can damage your tires if they are not installed properly or if you drive too fast.
  • Increased noise. The chains can make a lot of noise, which can be distracting and annoying to other drivers.
  • Reduced fuel efficiency. The chains can increase drag, which can reduce your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

If you are driving in areas with severe snow or ice, it is important to be prepared. Make sure you have a set of tire chains that are the right size for your tires. You should also practice installing and removing the chains before you need to use them in an emergency.

Here are some tips for driving in icy and snowy conditions:

  • Slow down. The slower you drive, the more control you will have.
  • Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you. This will give you time to react if the car in front of you stops suddenly.
  • Avoid sudden braking and acceleration. Sudden braking and acceleration can cause your vehicle to lose control.
  • Use cruise control. Cruise control can help you maintain a steady speed, which can help you avoid losing control.
  • Be prepared to stop. Make sure you have plenty of fuel and that your brakes are in good working order.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the road conditions and to other drivers.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure a safe and uneventful drive in icy and snowy conditions.