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​Cable chains

Jun 4th 2023

Cable chains, also known as snow cables or snow chains, are an alternative to traditional tire chains for providing traction on snow or ice-covered roads. They consist of metal cables with steel rollers or reinforced steel rings that are attached across the tire tread.

Here are some steps to install cable chains:

  1. Choose the right size: Select cable chains that match your vehicle's tire size. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions or the packaging to ensure a proper fit.
  2. Prepare the chains: Lay out the cable chains on a flat surface and untangle them if needed. Make sure the cables are free of any twists or knots.
  3. Position the chains: Position the chains evenly on top of the tire, ensuring that the cable rings or rollers align with the tire tread. The hooks or fastening mechanisms should be facing outward.
  4. Connect the ends: Fasten the ends of the cable chains together. Some cable chains use hooks or clips, while others may require tensioning devices or separate fastening components. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific type of cable chains you have.
  5. Adjust the tension: If your cable chains have tensioning devices, use them to tighten the chains around the tire. This will ensure a secure and snug fit.
  6. Double-check the fit: Ensure that the cable chains are centered on the tire tread and that there is even coverage across the entire width of the tire.
  7. Test the chains: Drive the vehicle slowly for a short distance to test the cable chains. Listen for any unusual noises or vibrations and check for proper fit and performance.

Always consult the manufacturer's instructions for the specific cable chains you are using, as installation steps may vary slightly. It's important to practice installing and removing cable chains in a controlled environment before encountering snowy or icy conditions.