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How do you put chains on garden tractor tires?

Jun 8th 2023

Putting chains on garden tractor tires can provide additional traction and stability, especially in snowy or muddy conditions. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to put chains on garden tractor tires:

  1. Preparation:
    • Ensure that you have the correct size of chains for your garden tractor tires. Chains come in different sizes, so it's essential to have the right fit.
    • Clean the tires thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris that may interfere with the installation process.
    • Lay out the chains flat on the ground to untangle them and ensure they are in good condition.
  2. Positioning the Chains:
    • Start by placing the chains over the top of the tire and allow them to fall naturally around the sides.
    • Make sure that the chains are evenly positioned on both sides of the tire, covering the tread area entirely.
    • Ensure that the hooks or fastening mechanisms on the chains are facing outward for easier attachment.
  3. Securing the Chains:
    • Begin by connecting the chain ends on the inside of the tire. Some chains come with built-in fasteners, while others require additional connectors or bungee cords.
    • Fasten the ends securely, ensuring that the chains are tight but not overly tensioned. The chains should have a snug fit around the tire.
  4. Adjusting the Chains:
    • Once the chains are attached, roll the tractor forward a few feet to expose the other portion of the tire.
    • Repeat the same process of positioning and securing the chains on the exposed portion of the tire.
    • Check the tension and alignment of the chains on both sides to ensure they are properly centered and not interfering with any other parts of the tractor.
  5. Final Checks:
    • After installing the chains on both rear tires, test the tractor's movement and ensure that the chains are functioning correctly.
    • Take a short test drive in a controlled environment to ensure the chains are providing the desired traction without any excessive vibration or noise.
    • If needed, make any necessary adjustments to the tension or positioning of the chains.