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If your tire chains are too long

Jun 6th 2023

If your tire chains are too long and you need to shorten or remove the cross chains, here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Assess the chains: Examine the tire chains to identify the sections that are too long or need to be removed. Locate the cross chains that you want to modify or eliminate.
  2. Measure and mark: Determine the desired length of the tire chains by measuring the excess portion that needs to be shortened. Mark the points where you intend to make the modifications.
  3. Separate the cross chains: If you need to remove specific cross chains, locate the connecting points where they are attached to the side chains. Depending on the design of the chains, this could involve removing clips, fasteners, or detaching links.
  4. Shorten the chains: If you want to shorten the tire chains, you will need to remove an equal number of cross chains from both sides of each chain. Use appropriate tools such as bolt cutters or chain cutters to remove the excess cross chains. Ensure you cut the chains evenly and cleanly.
  5. Reattach or secure the chains: If you removed specific cross chains, reattach the side chains by using the available connecting points or reinserting clips or fasteners. Ensure that the chains are secured tightly and properly.
  6. Test the modified chains: After making the necessary adjustments, test the modified chains on a safe road or surface. Check for proper fit, tension, and overall performance. Ensure that the chains provide the desired traction and do not interfere with the vehicle's movement.

Please note that modifying tire chains may affect their performance or compromise their integrity. It's important to exercise caution and follow the manufacturer's instructions, as altering the chains may void any warranties or safety certifications. If you are unsure or uncomfortable modifying the chains yourself, it is recommended to consult a professional or contact the manufacturer for assistance.