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Tire Chains - What you need to know

Sep 2nd 2023

When it comes to tire chains, here are some key points to consider:

  1. Legal Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations regarding the use of tire chains. Some areas have specific requirements or restrictions, including certain times of the year or designated road sections.
  2. Tire Chain Types: There are different types of tire chains available, such as ladder-style chains, diamond-pattern chains, or cable chains. Research and choose the appropriate type based on your vehicle, driving conditions, and personal preferences.
  3. Tire Size and Fit: Ensure you select the correct size of tire chains that match your vehicle's tire size. Refer to the manufacturer's guidelines or consult with a professional to ensure a proper fit.
  4. Installation and Removal: Understand how to properly install and remove the tire chains. Practice installing them before you actually need to use them to familiarize yourself with the process. Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully to ensure secure and safe installation.
  5. Road Conditions: Tire chains are primarily used in snowy or icy conditions to enhance traction. Evaluate the road conditions and use tire chains only when necessary. Using chains on bare pavement can cause damage to the tires and the road surface.
  6. Speed Limit: Respect the recommended speed limits when driving with tire chains. Generally, it is advised to drive at speeds below 30-35 mph (48-56 km/h) to maintain control and minimize potential damage.
  7. Regular Inspections: Inspect the tire chains regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Replace worn or damaged chains to ensure optimal performance and safety.
  8. Practice: If you are new to using tire chains, practice installing and driving with them in a safe environment before encountering challenging road conditions. This will help you become comfortable with their installation and driving dynamics.

Remember, tire chains are intended for temporary use in specific conditions and should be removed when no longer needed. Following these guidelines will help ensure the proper and safe use of tire chains.