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When should you use tire chains?

Sep 15th 2023

Tire chains are typically used in specific winter driving conditions when roads are covered with snow and ice. Here are situations when you should consider using tire chains:

  1. Deep Snow: Tire chains are especially useful when driving on roads covered with deep snow. They provide additional traction, helping your vehicle move through the snow more effectively.
  2. Icy Roads: Chains can improve traction on icy roads, reducing the likelihood of slipping and sliding. They can be particularly beneficial on steep hills and icy inclines.
  3. Mountainous Terrain: If you're driving in mountainous areas where snow and ice are common, carrying chains is often recommended and may be required by local regulations during certain weather conditions.
  4. Severe Winter Storms: When a severe winter storm is in progress, and road conditions are hazardous due to snow and ice accumulation, using tire chains can enhance your safety and control while driving.
  5. Emergency Situations: If you find yourself stuck in deep snow or on an icy incline, putting on tire chains can help you regain traction and get your vehicle moving again.
  6. Local Regulations: Some areas have specific laws or regulations requiring the use of tire chains during winter weather conditions. Always be aware of and adhere to local requirements.

It's important to note that while tire chains can provide significant benefits in winter driving conditions, they also have limitations. They should not be used on dry or clear roads, as this can damage both the chains and your tires. Additionally, chains should be installed correctly according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Before using tire chains, it's a good idea to practice installing them in a controlled environment to become familiar with the process. Also, be prepared with the necessary tools and equipment, such as gloves and a mat to kneel on, when installing chains in cold and snowy conditions.