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Tire Chains with Cams

Jun 6th 2023

A tire chains cam tensioning system is a mechanism designed to tighten the chains securely around the tires of a vehicle. It typically consists of a cam lever and a chain tensioning device.

Here's a general guide on how to use a cam tensioning system for tire chains:

  1. Prepare the tire chains: Lay out the tire chains on a flat surface and ensure they are untangled and properly positioned for installation.
  2. Position the chains on the tires: Place the chains over the tires, making sure they are centered and the chain links are evenly distributed across the tire treads.
  3. Connect the chains: Connect the ends of the chains together, usually through a fastening hook or a tensioning device provided by the manufacturer.
  4. Adjust the tension: Locate the cam tensioning system, which is typically positioned on the outside sidewall of the tire chain. The cam lever may have markings indicating the direction to rotate for tensioning or releasing.
  5. Engage the cam lever: Use the designated tool, if required, to engage the cam lever. Rotate the lever in the designated direction to tighten the chains around the tires. The cam lever will create tension by pulling the chains closer to the tire surface.
  6. Check the tension: Once the chains are tightened, assess their tension by ensuring they are snugly secured to the tires. You should have proper traction without excessive slack or chains hanging loose.
  7. Repeat the process: Repeat the above steps for the remaining tires, installing and tensioning the chains as necessary.

Always consult the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of your tire chains, as the installation and tensioning process may vary depending on the brand and model. Following the manufacturer's guidelines will help ensure safe and proper usage of the tire chains with a cam tensioning system.